Is your WordPress dashboard returning an error message like “updating failed” or publishing failed”? Are you looking to fix updating failed or publishing failed related errors occurring within your WordPress website? If yes then you have landed on the right article where we will help you to get rid of these issues.
Sometimes WordPress websites come across some minor issues that not only frustrate you but also prevent site visitors from accessing the elements in your website. In today’s tech-driven world these problems are common but it all comes down to how quickly you are able to identify the solution.
If you are running a large website or custom-coded WordPress website then it’s always recommended to stay in touch with your WordPress website design company (if you don’t want to mess things up). On the other hand for small websites, there are some workarounds that can help you to get rid of these issues.
To perform better in the competitive marketplace you need to keep your WordPress website updated. Sometimes updating the WordPress website causes small problems that you need to resolve as soon as possible so that it doesn’t affect your website speed, performance, and most important ranking.
Whether you are aware or not but Google has started to ask reviews from users whether the web page is useful and offering correct information or not. If your web page is ranking on the top and if site visitors are failing to access the page then there are chances that they may report your website which will affect your ranking.
So In this article, we are going to walk you through some steps that will help you to fix WordPress “updating failed” and “publishing failed” issues. But again if you are running a custom-coded website or a website with lots of user data then we always recommend hiring an experienced WordPress website design company.
If you are looking to know more about the functioning of the new Guttenberg block editor then make sure to check our blog on WordPress Gutenberg Guide: How You Can Use WordPress New Block Editor (Gutenberg)
Why do WordPress website owners come across Updating Failed or Publishing Failed related issues?
Before we start highlighting some important steps on how you can fix updating failed and published failed issues let’s figure out why WordPress came across these issues. Most of the time when WordPress fails to communicate with REST API then these messages start popping up in your WordPress dashboard.
The Guttenberg editor or the block editor in WordPress has been around for a while now. Due to its mixed reaction, WordPress users might come across new challenges and issues. One among them is “Publishing Failed”. While uploading new content in the editor if you come across messages like “Publishing Failed” then it may look confusing and frustrating too.
It generally occurs when you hit the Publish button displayed in the right sidebar, with a goal to make your content live for your audience as well as a search engine. Apart from that, you may also come across errors like “updating failed” when you try to make changes in your existing pages or posts which you have already published.
Now you might be wondering why do site owners come across these problems:
There are different reasons that can give rise to these errors but the most common one is when the API fails to send and receive the request from the database some part of WordPress stops functioning. Block editor is one among them as it uses the API to send, publish, and update related requests.
The new WordPress interface is dependent on the REST API to publish, save, and update posts. So if something starts blocking or disabling API from sending and receiving data then you won’t be able to publish or update your content.
Why am I getting an error message if I didn’t make any changes to my WordPress website?
There are times when site owners also complain that even though they didn’t make any changes in the WordPress website then how did the Rest API stop working?
Remember even a small mistake can prevent WordPress from using REST API. Sometimes even if you are not connected to the internet or your wifi is not connected to the internet then also REST API may stop working.
Other than that if you make changes in the site URL or install a new third-party plugin into your WordPress dashboard then there are chances that these small changes can block API from sending and receiving requests.
If you are a beginner or have less technical knowledge then REST API may sound a bit confusing but right now you can focus more on how you can resolve “publishing failed” and “updating failed” issues. If the problem is occurring due to broken block editor communication. Then you need to identify what is causing the error and how you can get the REST API back on track.
If you are still confused and not able to identify why it is happening in your WordPress website then we always recommend you to get in touch with an experienced WordPress website design company that you can identify and resolve those errors for better functioning. Read more on
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